About me

So, who the hell am I?

Well, my names Chris, or erutaerc in the gaming world. I’m also known as creature on a few forums. I’m 23, and I live in Bedfordshire near to Hertfordshire border, about 2 miles from the A1. I’m currently working for the local RAF base as an Air Traffic Controller, but sadly they no longer fly jets from there…do get the odd RAF chopper though which is cool. I’m using this as experience to hopefully thrust myself into the world of ATC, and eventually land a job and one of the main British airports. I also work for a company called African Butterfly, who import and sell hairclips from South Africa. It’s run by my girlfriend and her mum, which means I get to spend a lot of time with the missus, which is never a bad thing.

I’m a fairly active person, and have been all my life, I grew up playing rugby till about the age of 11, then switched over to football, which I did until I was 17. I’d always played fotball, but never properly till I was 12. I’ve also been a member of the local tennis club, and even been asked to play for the local cricket team once or twice. Nowadays I keep myself fit by playing football in the garden with my brother and a few mates, and by ocasionally playing dodgeball.

So in a gaming sense, i’ve always been a big gamer, ever since I got a Megadrive when I was 6. Admitidly I wasn’t as bigger gamer as I am now back then, but I still loved games. Gaming for me really kicked in when I got an Nintendo 64 and Goldeneye. To this day, I still remain that the N64 is the best console I have ever played on, nothing has even come remotley close, the games for it were just awesome. Over the last 17 years, i’ve owned most consoles that have been released, and I still own most of them now. My current collection consists of an N64, SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy colour, Gameboy advance, Gamecube, Wii, Nintendo DS, Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstion 2 and a PSP. I did own a PS1, but I sold that about 4 years ago. I still intend to build my collection up further, and will eventually own a Dreacast, a NES, and a PS3….fanboyism is ppintless really.

Onto actual games rather than just consoles, i’m a pretty big fan of FPS and strategy games, but my main intrest lies within the music genre. The games had never really intrested me, but when my brother picked up a copy of Guitar Hero 2, I decided to have a quick play. This ultimatley led to me getting the 360 version when it came out, and within a few weeks I was rocking out on expert. Contrast that to today, and i’m now close to one of the top 500 Rock Band players in this country (going by scorehero at least). The problem is that I now get frustrated when I can’t do what many would class as rediculous things. Oh well.

I’m sure there’s a lot more I could write here, but you’ve already read over 500 words (maybe) so i’ll leave it at that. Enjoy the blog (whenever I can be arsed to update).

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